25 April 2010

Words are Slipping out all over

I figured I may as well introduce you to some thing that may come up later. Maybe. But it's some sort of feast of beauty. Some have called it a beauty feast.

You may think you've watched this before, but watch past 30 seconds. It's new. It's news. I was watching TV and whipped out my camera just in time to catch it. Whoa.


13 April 2010

Hey Vegetarians! and etc.

Apparently those vegie burgers could cause "nervous system failure and skin disorders"
Those non-organic, but natural burgers got the ol' Hexane in em'

Kelsey, take those morningstars out of the freezer.

for the article click here


11 April 2010

breaking news in Evolution !

This is breaking....

video version

la times version

Pretty cool. A glimpse into when "we" came down from the branches.
Notice, also, 9 year old boy finds 9 year old (ish) boy.


07 April 2010

Did we all see this?

there's a lot I could say on what I liked, but I won't. except watch full screen and if it's not in HD go to the youtube site itself. I would suggest the latter. go here

Or if you hate space, here's something worth everybody's while.
