18 December 2011

the holidays part II

and here is my holiday video! it's definitely probably about time for a post from me...

holiday video from goda on Vimeo.


14 December 2011

The Holidays as seen by me and the Squeaky Wheel Audience

I have made this video.
There was some struggle and some aid. The struggle is less important to share, but the aid should be mentioned. Thank you Warren Wilson free store for the slim pickin items.
Also I apologize for the lack of black at the beginning, who needs it though?

Enjoy and happy holidays

For larger screen, perhaps check out youtube or click that full screen button


01 December 2011

Things I learned in the past 24 hours from the internet

In the past 24 hours I've been trying to figuring a number of things and the resource I've had to turn to is the internet. But that old internet lead me on quite the goose chase that took me 24 hours to figure out. And I figured out I was chasing a goose.

So here's what I learned

1. If you have final cut pro 5 and need to upload AVCHD files don't try to get FCP 7 because it comes as a .toast file. And what the hell is a .toast file? Well, it's a file that needs to be opened with a program called Toast. And then you realize Toast only works on a higher version of Mac OSX. So if you got FCP 5 and AVCHD files just get Clip Wrap. Don't read forums.

2. Flaked Rye vs. Malted Rye for beer brewing. Both are pretty easy to use as long as your brew supplier has a mill, which I would imagine all do because even ones at flea markets do (nice work Brooklyn Brew Supply) and both add to your gravity. Their tastes are different and flaked adds a lot of body and flavor. Don't read forums and don't trust drunk brew suppliers.

Sorry I have no media to upload. But just wanted to say a bit. I'll work on some media.
