26 May 2010

Henri, Byrne and Friends

I left the town of Brooklyn the other day. While taking a goodbye picture Henri Cartier Bresson stepped in - he's in town for his MOMA exhibit - and he took a lovely picture of the roommates. A beaut.

Also I decided to attach some more music. This is the music that accompanied the departure. Though it was on a mix cd. Byrne & Eno and Bragg & Wilco. Once again limited time only.
part 1
part 2
notice the haircut.

15 May 2010

I've Been Bad

i've been neglecting the blog. why? i was working on my thesis. and now i'm having a hard time getting back into the blog roll. so i thought i'd do a faux-post. i'm posting something i made for non-blog reasons to the blog as a way to get back in the habit of blogging. hope it works!!

Untitled from goda trakumaite on Vimeo.


13 May 2010

Sweet Find

I was at Jerry's the other day and I made a sweet find. I found this awesome Warren Zevon record. I know it's not rare or anything, but I've been looking for it for so long. So I say thank you Jerry.

You can download it here for a limited time.

(s) post
(t) image