25 December 2010

Merry Christmas

And Happy Holidays

sound done quickly since it is christmas don't you know. whoops

14 December 2010

A Holiday Return

I returned home from my winter vacation--if that is an appropriate title--and was surprised with some news.
1. Toby lost weight and her frisbee
2. My mom added many new things to the snoopy christmas room.
Concerning the latter, I thought I should share this winter wonderland with the interweb. So here is a quick tour of the newly added snoopy items.


08 December 2010

A quickie - Big Blood is dead

Received this the other day and thought I should share. Big fan of some, haven't heard others. From Portland, ME, I give you, the viewers, (for a limited time) Big Blood.

here you go kids.

Was she just about to put that cat Cat in the fridge?
Speaking of blood. Got the diva cup. Call me and we'll talk.
