21 January 2010

a new crab chip?

great post, (s)! i would like to follow up with some muckraking on a possibly lithuanian man who has mustard, bridges, and streets in new york named after him (planes condiments and automobiles), but right now, we have bigger fish to fry!

yesterday i found this at my rite aid:

my evaluation is: they're ok, which is how i always feel about crab chips.

sam says that Herr's is always too salty. after some quick investigating, we found that this bag did indeed have about 1.5 times as much sodium as a bag of another brand. but a more careful investigation will have to be conducted along the PA turnpike, the only place one can spot and observe that rare specimen, the Utz crab chip.


1 comment:

  1. I can buy utz chips on line
    60 bags for 18 dollars.
    do I want to do that?
    It might ruin that hunt I know and love so much.
